One on One with Dr. Stringer

Especially suited for people with health issues such as:

  • Digestive issues, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation, Heartburn, Colitis
  • Autoimmunity
  • Hormonal Imbalance including Menopause, PCOS, PMS, and Adrenal Imbalances
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Feeling like you are getting old before your years
  • Overwhelm
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Stubborn weight
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Metabolic Disorders including Diabetes
  • Toxicity- Mold, Environmental, and other
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Chronic Conditions that remain unresolved

Or for those rare individuals who are very proactive and want to dive deep into regenerative and longevity medicine through cutting edge optimization testing and individualized interventions before they are feeling unwell.

Two Options 

6 Month Vitality Medicine Program

Up to 5 visits with Dr. Stringer

3 Nutritional Health Coach Consultations

Meal Planning Subscription

Coordination with Specialists  and other Providers

Ordering and interpretation of relevant Functional Medicine lab testing

Prescriptions as needed during the 6 month time frame

Opportunity to continue care with Annual Membership at completion of 6 months

Discounted supplements
Direct communication access with Dr. Stringer and team during the 6 months

Complimentary FlowPresso Lymph Massage Session

Cost: $2,297
(includes 90 min initial intake)


2 Visit Option


Comprehensive Functional Medicine Lab panel ( only through Labcorp)

Initial comprehensive intake ( 60 minutes)

One follow up visit to review labs and make personalized recommendations (60 minutes)

Nutritional and Lifestyle Recommendations

Meal Plan Subscription

Supplement recommendations based on labwork

Cost: $1,297

Does Not Include:



Additional testing 

Ongoing follow up 

You Were Designed to Thrive!

Every aspect of your biochemistry is continuously making energy, repairing damaged tissues and cells, neutralizing free radicals, cleaning up cellular waste products, detoxifying chemicals, balancing hormones and neurotransmitters, forming new nerve pathways, new blood vessels, new cells, gobbling up bacteria and cancer cells,  and regenerating the 30 trillion cells that make up your human beingness.

But sometimes, due to stress, infections, medications, trauma (emotional or physical), lack of sleep, poor nutrition, genetic tendencies, living in the modern world, exposure to environmental toxins, and being a caregiver for everyone else the body can get out of balance. When this happens:

Ready to reclaim your health?

If you have any questions prior to this step, please call our office.

What Others Are Saying