Treating your Digestive, Hormonal, and Energy Related Imbalances
A Mind Body Spirit Approach to Healing
Does This Sound Like You?
Debilitating fatigue, brain fog and memory issues.
Your brain just doesn’t function like it used to and you’re tired of being tired.
Frustrated with your weight and it won’t budge.
You’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work.
Hot flashes, night sweats, irritability and insomnia.
Your sex drive is non-existent and your moods are out of control.
Bloated with diarrhea and/or constipation.
It’s hard to know what food to eat. Your stomach is always upset.
Relentless aches and pains with no longterm relief.
Chronic headaches, joint pain and muscle pain. You’ve lost your vitality.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
What if there was a proven way to bring you back into balance?
The symptoms you’re experiencing are sending messages to help bring you back into balance with nature’s wisdom and your own true essence.
Through science and a bit of self love, we can uncover the root of your discomfort and make the changes necessary to rediscover your vitality.
You were Designed to Thrive!

Dr. Penney Stringer understands.
She will help bridge the gap between mainstream medicine and holistic medicine with a Functional Medicine approach.
She will provide you with the tools, information, and support YOU NEED To optimize every aspect of your health- body, mind, and spirit. She will help you get back to living your life to the fullest with her compassionate attention to detail and unwavering commitment to working with your innate ability to heal and regenerate.
You were designed to THRIVE.
You are here to SHINE.
Your time is NOW.
So let’s get to it.
3 Ways to Work Together

1 on 1 with Dr. Stringer
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Mindful Metabolic Reset
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Vital Brain Program
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