Your Gut is Your Gateway

to Health and Vitality

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, this program might be for you.


Inflammation (aches, pains, fatigue), Autoimmune disease


Celiac Disease/ Gluten Intolerance/ Food Intolerances/Leaky Gut/ Malabsorption


Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO)


Reflux, Heartburn, Gastritis, Abdominal Pain


Nausea/ Weight Loss/ Gain


Bloating, Constipation or Diarrhea


Rashes, Dermatitis, Eczema, Rosacea, Acne, even Brain Fog, Fatigue, Autoimmunity, Headaches, Anxiety, Aches/ Pains, Depression can be linked to gut imbalances.

“All disease begins in the gut.”
— Hippocrates

Is this program for me?

Let’s be honest. No one wants to talk about their digestive problems. And even fewer people want to have their life controlled by their digestive problems.  If you relate to the things below, this program is for you.


You’ve been diagnosed with an inflammation related problem ( anything with “itis” on the end) or an Autoimmune disease and you’re not loving the treatment options your doctor has given you.


You’re bloated a lot and even have heartburn sometimes. You might even think it’s normal to need antacids.


You can have diarrhea one day, constipation the next. You really can’t remember the last time you had a “normal” bowel movement.


You try eating healthier, more veggies, less sugar…But you’re still uncomfortable.


You cut out gluten and dairy, but still not much help. You wonder will your belly ever feel settled.


You are the one who knows where the bathrooms are across town and in your favorite stores so you can avoid an embarrassing moment.


Eating out is no longer fun and it’s hard to enjoy gatherings with family and friends. You are starting to wonder, will it always be like this?

Together we will get to the root cause of your digestion troubles so that you can get back to living your amazing life.

Your Gut is Your Gateway Program

Your Gut Trouble Solution

Beat the Bloat

The first thing we will do is focus on reducing discomfort and irritable bowel symptoms.  This will entail specific diet, health coaching and treating the underlying problem.  During this initial 6 weeks, you will have access to weekly videos to learn action plans, review the recommended meal plan, and incorporate simple mind body techniques to stimulate the vagus nerve.

Functional Lab testing Interpretation

Dr. Stringer may suggest lab testing which could include SIBO breath testing, Comprehensive Stool Analysis to assess the microbiome, Blood work, Food sensitivity testing, H.pylori testing, or others.  Interpretation of any lab testing ordered is included in the consultations (although the cost of the labs themselves is not).

One on One Consultation

You will meet with Dr. Stringer up to 4 visits over a 6 month period to have a detailed and comprehensive review of your labs, test results, to review your progress, to devise and modify your individualized treatment plan, and to answer your questions.

Health Coaching

You will have the opportunity to meet with an awesome  health coach for 3 visits during this program.  We have found this to be a vitally important aspect of supporting you in making lifestyle changes for long term results. 

Meal Plans

During the progam you will have access to thoughtfully chosen meal plans that you can personalize, grocery shopping lists, and recipes that will support your gut healing process and optimize your nutritional well-being.

Private "LIVE" Community

All members of the program will have monthly access to a private Q&A via zoom where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get support from Dr. Stringer and the community. Healing happens best in a community of supportive individuals working toward a common goal.  

I’m Ready to Heal

Click below to become a patient and get your initial appointment scheduled. Get back the life you love!


How much does the program cost?

The cost is $1797 which includes 6 months of care by Dr. Stringer and her team.  This includes a 6 week Beat the Bloat program and 4 one on one visits, 3 health coaching visits, and in-depth testing interpretation and gut healing protocol, meal planning, monthly group coaching calls, and supplement discount.

What if I need to be referred to a Gastroenterologist?

Dr. Stringer will work closely with your medical team to make sure you get the appropriate referrals and follow up treatment necessary for your treatment.

What kind of testing is involved in finding the root casue?

Dr. Stringer uses different tests including comprehensive stool testing, SIBO breath testing, H.pylori testing, food sensitivity testing, heavy metal and mycotoxin testing and blood work.

Will I have to make dietary changes to get better?

Most patients end up making some dietary changes to optimize their digestion in the process of working with Dr. Stringer.  Because nutrition is not emphasized during traditional medical training, it is often something that has not been thoroughly addressed by people who struggle with chronic digestive issues who have been working in the traditional medical model and an area that often leads to big breakthroughs when addressed in an expert manner.